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Welcome To Manchester's Virtual מקום תורה!

We at the Torahway have tremendous הכרת הטוב to Reb Moshe Kupetz זצ״ל for being a major impetus into the creation of this amazing project! May all the לימוד תורה be a זכות for his Neshomo! ל״נ הרב ר׳ שלום משה בן הרב ר׳ אברהם זצ״ל

לזכר ולעילוי נשמת האשה החשובה מרת שרה בת ר׳ שמחה ע״ה
נפטרה ג׳ סיון תשפ״ד ת׳ נ׳ צ׳ ב׳ ה׳

Latest shiurim:

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To access the video, choose the video icon icon, and choose one of the links.
If you see the unavailable icon icon, it means that the audio or video is not yet available.
If you see the icon, it means that shiur notes are available from the "listen" or "watch" page.

If you hover your mouse over a shiur below, you will see a summary of the shiur (if one has been added)

Mattos Massei
28th Jul '24 to 3rd Aug '24

Mattos Massei
28th Jul '24 to 3rd Aug '24

21st Jul '24 to 27th Jul '24

21st Jul '24 Rabbi Avrohom Moshe Lampin
"The outcome of Korach"
22nd Jul '24 Rabbi Eliyohu Pinchos Levy
"Message of the 17th of Tamuz"
23rd Jul '24 Rabbi Motti Posen
"Rebuilding the Beis Hamikdosh"
24th Jul '24 Rabbi Yishai Lister
25th Jul '24 Rabbi Yossi Chazan

21st Jul '24 to 27th Jul '24

21st Jul '24 Rabbi Yisroel Yaakov Sellam
"Why say Shema again before bed?"
22nd Jul '24 Rabbi Aryeh Shloime Weisbart
"Hilchos Bircas Hamozon: Does one need to remove plastic knives before benching?"
23rd Jul '24 Rabbi Yossi Moore
"May one listen to music while eating supper or when going to sleep?"
24th Jul '24 Rabbi Motti Posen
"Five Holiday Shailos you haven't thought of"

14th Jul '24 to 20th Jul '24

14th Jul '24 Rabbi Motti Posen
"What is a Yied?"
15th Jul '24 Rabbi Nesanel Yehoshua Bamberger
16th Jul '24 Rabbi Aryeh Shloime Weisbart
"What is allowed due to Kovod Habrios?"
17th Jul '24 Rabbi Leib Goldberg
18th Jul '24 Rabbi Yossi Chazan
19th Jul '24 Rabbi Meshulem Ehrentreu

14th Jul '24 to 20th Jul '24

14th Jul '24 Rabbi Aryeh Shloime Weisbart
"Seudas shlishis for Chosson & Kallah"
15th Jul '24 Rabbi Aryeh Shloime Weisbart
"Bircas Hamozon: May I bench in swimming trunks"
16th Jul '24 Rabbi Yossi Moore
"Topical Theme"
17th Jul '24 Rabbi Yitzi Fulda
"May someone sublet a hotel room?"

7th Jul '24 to 13th Jul '24

7th Jul '24 Rabbi Yehuda Steinberg
"Bench with Kavonna"
7th Jul '24 Rabbi Yisroel Friedman
"I did an aveirah by mistake, do I have to write it down to know which korbon to bring?"
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8th Jul '24 Rabbi Eliezer Heilpern
"Eat a little and be satisfied"
8th Jul '24 Rabbi Yisroel Friedman
"What is the derech of Chassidus"
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9th Jul '24 Rabbi Yechiel Michel Rapoport
"Who pays for the pickles?"
10th Jul '24 Rabbi Yossi Moore
"Shabbos morning halochos"
11th Jul '24 Rabbi Yossi Chazan
"The power of speech"
12th Jul '24 Rabbi Zvi Gefen

7th Jul '24 to 13th Jul '24

7th Jul '24 Rabbi Aryeh Shloime Weisbart
"Drinking the kos shel brocho"
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8th Jul '24 Rabbi Aryeh Shloime Weisbart
"Seudas shlishis: When does one drink the kos?"
9th Jul '24 Rabbi Yossi Moore
"Topical Theme"
10th Jul '24 Rabbi Shimon Woolfson
"Wearing glasses in a reshus harabim"
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30th Jun '24 to 6th Jul '24

30th Jun '24 Rabbi Aron Springer
1st Jul '24 Rabbi Dr Sholom Springer
"Consequences of Loshon Horah"
2nd Jul '24 Rabbi Yosef Grunfeld
"Sarcasm can kill - The power of Litzones"
3rd Jul '24 Rabbi Moshe Stamler
4th Jul '24 Rabbi Yossi Chazan
5th Jul '24 Rabbi Avrohom Moshe Lampin

30th Jun '24 to 6th Jul '24

30th Jun '24 Rabbi Aryeh Shloime Weisbart
"Who should be the mezamen?"
1st Jul '24 Rabbi Aryeh Shloime Weisbart
"Is it best to do the zimun over wine?"
2nd Jul '24 Rabbi Yossi Moore
"Topical Theme"
3rd Jul '24 Rabbi Motti Posen
"Showers on Shabbos"

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