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Welcome To Manchester's Virtual מקום תורה!

We at the Torahway have tremendous הכרת הטוב to Reb Moshe Kupetz זצ״ל for being a major impetus into the creation of this amazing project! May all the לימוד תורה be a זכות for his Neshomo! ל״נ הרב ר׳ שלום משה בן הרב ר׳ אברהם זצ״ל

לזכר ולעילוי נשמת האשה החשובה מרת שרה בת ר׳ שמחה ע״ה
נפטרה ג׳ סיון תשפ״ד ת׳ נ׳ צ׳ ב׳ ה׳

Latest shiurim:

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If you hover your mouse over a shiur below, you will see a summary of the shiur (if one has been added)

13th Oct '24 to 16th Oct '24

13th Oct '24 Rabbi Shimon Kaplin
"The messsge of Yom Kippur"
14th Oct '24 Rabbi Yisroel Friedman
"Celebrating and Rejoicing on Succos in a Time of War and Sorrow"
video not available
14th Oct '24 Rabbi Yitzchok Avigdor Stern
"Chassidishe gems on Succos"
15th Oct '24 Rabbi Shmuel Schwarz
"Rebuilding the relationship even better thann before!"

13th Oct '24 to 16th Oct '24

Yom Kippur
6th Oct '24 to 11th Oct '24

6th Oct '24 Rabbi Yehoshua Aron Sofer
"Asking Hashem to invest in us"
7th Oct '24 Rabbi Yisroel Yaakov Sellam
"Understanding the days of the Yomim No'ro'im"
7th Oct '24 Rabbi Yisroel Friedman
"You don't need Averios to do Teshuvah"
video not available
8th Oct '24 Rabbi Yossi Moore
"Hilchos Yom Kippur"
9th Oct '24 Rabbi Yossi Chazan
"Bribe HKB"H !"
10th Oct '24 Rabbi Boruch Dunner
"All about Emes"
11th Oct '24 Rabbi Zvi Gefen
"Our mission in life"

Yom Kippur
6th Oct '24 to 11th Oct '24

6th Oct '24 Rabbi Shloime Mannes - (Manchester)
"Various interesting halochos"
7th Oct '24 Rabbi Motti Posen
8th Oct '24 Rabbi Yossi Moore
"Is schach kosher when left in place for a year?"
9th Oct '24 Rabbi Yisroel Yaakov Sellam
"Havdolah on Motzei Yom Kippur this year"

29th Sep '24 to 2nd Oct '24

29th Sep '24 Rabbi Avrohom Moshe Lampin
"Days of awe"
30th Sep '24 Rabbi Yisroel Friedman
"Approaching Rosh Hashono with Simcha"
1st Oct '24 Rabbi Zvi Lieberman
"Eruv Tavshilin"
2nd Oct '24 Rabbi Yehuda Marmorstein

29th Sep '24 to 2nd Oct '24

29th Sep '24 Rabbi Motti Posen
"Eruv Tavshilin"
30th Sep '24 Rabbi Aryeh Shloime Weisbart
"Eruv Tavshilin"
video not available
1st Oct '24 Rabbi Yossi Moore
"3 Day Yom Tov & Shabbos: Shailos"

Nitzovim Vayeilech
22nd Sep '24 to 28th Sep '24

22nd Sep '24 Rabbi Daniel Orzel
"Is your indoor Sukkah kosher? Shiur and demonstration"
23rd Sep '24 Rabbi Yochanan Goldblatt
"Which glasses to wear"
24th Sep '24 Rabbi Jeremy Stanton
"Haftorah Parshas Niztovim"
25th Sep '24 Rabbi Efrayim Brachfeld
26th Sep '24 Rabbi Yossi Chazan
27th Sep '24 Rabbi Shmuel Steinhart
"Parsha Pearls - Parshas Nitzovim"

Nitzovim Vayeilech
22nd Sep '24 to 28th Sep '24

22nd Sep '24 Rabbi Aryeh Shloime Weisbart
"Interruptions after a Brocho Rishono"
23rd Sep '24 Rabbi Aryeh Shloime Weisbart
"Being motzi others with a brocho"
24th Sep '24 Rabbi Yossi Moore
"Buying food from an individual selling without a hechsher"
25th Sep '24 Rabbi Motti Posen
"5 common Rosh Hashono mistakes"

Ki Savo
15th Sep '24 to 21st Sep '24

15th Sep '24 Rabbi Dr Yosef Gerber
"Ma'avir Al Midoisov"
16th Sep '24 Rabbi Dovid Eisenberg
"Washing milk & meaty utensils together"
17th Sep '24 Rabbi Yosef Grunfeld
"Signs of redemption in the Toichucho"
18th Sep '24 Rabbi Yakov Yehoshua Dunner
"What can I wear when davening?"
19th Sep '24 Rabbi Yossi Chazan
"Preparing for Rosh Hashono"
20th Sep '24 Rabbi Yisroel Friedman
"The Mitzvo of Bikurim & the Second World War"

Ki Savo
15th Sep '24 to 21st Sep '24

15th Sep '24 Rabbi Aryeh Shloime Weisbart
"Standing up for a talmid chochom in the middle of benching"
16th Sep '24 Rabbi Aryeh Shloime Weisbart
"Speaking after a brocho acharono"
17th Sep '24 Rabbi Yossi Moore
"Eating out on Friday night - where does one light? (Part 2)"
18th Sep '24 Rabbi Chanoch Bleier
"Issues in Bishul Akum"

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